The Sari Carp Memorial Fund

Sari Carp, our late co-founder and first Executive Director, was an innovative leader whose passion, creativity, and confidence allowed her to take on projects far more ambitious than most little startups would ever attempt. She dreamed up projects that were initially hard to get funded through grants, because they were innovative and untested – and ultimately successful.

To keep that spirit of creativity going at Sustainability Matters, we've created a pool of money that won’t be restricted to any one program. In a time when most foundations give only to specific, tried-and-true projects, the Sari Carp Memorial Fund will give us the freedom to explore innovative new ideas and respond to emerging community needs, just like Sari always did.

Help us continue Sari’s innovative work by donating to the Sari Carp Memorial Fund today!

Sari dreamed big, and her ambition attracted hundreds of volunteers, partners, and supporters who helped her make those dreams possible. For example, while on a tour of the Shenandoah County landfill, in a space where most people see only piles of trash and grass-covered hills, Sari saw the potential for native meadows. And Making Trash Bloom was born! Landfill managers got on board, and soon so did county administrators, state regulators, and waste industry professionals, who talked up the project and led to interest from as far away as the NASA Kennedy Space Center. Today, three Virginia landfills host Making Trash Bloom meadows, and we’re in talks with several more, both here and beyond the state.

Sari also had the vision to see social media’s potential to reach new audiences with environmental education. She invested in hiring a social media influencer to create engaging 60-second educational videos on a variety of environmental topics including waste reduction, native plants, and tips for living more sustainably. Those videos would rack up more than 26 million views in our social media manager’s first eight months, allowing us to impact the knowledge and behavior of an enormous, diverse audience of people who may not otherwise seek out environmental education.

Green blob with female cardinal graphic


Innovations like these require funds that aren’t restricted to pre-existing projects. You can invest in this kind of innovation by donating to the Sari Carp Memorial Fund. Thank you for helping us keep Sari’s spirit of innovation alive!